• 2022-06-07
    What did Cliff Young do with his first prize?
    A: He decided to share it with other runners.
    B: He donated it to the charity.
    C: He gave it away to the poor.
    D: He didn’t accept it.
  • A


    • 0

      Sam got caught in the rain. Why didn’t he take an umbrella? A: He didn’t want to take it. B: His umbrella was broken. C: He did not have an umbrella. D: He forgot his bag at home

    • 1

      He said he would never be intimidated ______ what he didn"t like by big names. A: do B: to do C: did D: into doing

    • 2

      Every child gave Grandma Lin a present, 9 A: did he B: didn't they C: didn't he D: did it

    • 3

      What did the servant do in return to the young man A: He stole something from the house. B: He gave a smile to the young man. C: He had a fight with him. D: He put mud into the young man's coffee.

    • 4

      He complained that they didn’t cooperate with him,________? A: didn’t they B: didn’t he C: did they D: did he