• 2022-06-07
    The writer went to the bank to ______.
    A: see Alice Green and ask her to have lunch with him
    B: get some money so that he could have lunch with Alice
    C: see Alice Green and ask her to talk with him
    D: ask Alice to go to the town
  • A


    • 0

      Alice Munro’s story captures some of her own experiences as a housewife.

    • 1

      The story he is telling is so ________ that some of the listeners begin to ask him to stop.

    • 2

      When someone breaks a rude, people will ______ A: criticize him or her B: have a group discussion about it C: make more rules D: ask him or her to work more in the woods

    • 3

      If I were to see Tom, what ( )_ you me to tell him? A: are ,going to ask B: do , ask C: would , ask D: did, ask

    • 4

      Alice can still remember her grandmother teaching her to _______.