• 2022-06-07
    The author’s partner in a doubles tennis match is a f_______________ example of a person who has never stopped learning.
  • fantastic; fabulous


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      He wants to play table tennis but can’t find a _________ (搭档). A: classmate B: partner C: person

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      The expression, to lead a dog’s life, describes a person who has a happy existence.

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      He is the only one of the students ____late for school. A: who has never B: who are C: who aren’t D: who has never been

    • 3

      I like to play tennis but it’s hard tofind a tennis ________ at my skill level. A: partner B: friend C: player D: actor

    • 4

      It ____ raining for a while, but now it's raining again. A: has stopped B: stopped C: was stopped