• 2022-06-07
    According to the different frequencies, the sound can be classified into ( ).
    A: audio sound
    B: ultrasonic wave
    C: infrasonic wave
  • A,B,C


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      Which structure is responsible for encoding different sound frequencies? A: basilar membrane B: tympanum C: semicircular canals D: stapes

    • 1

      According to different sources, fat can be classified into animal fat and plant fat.

    • 2

      Homographs are words identical only in ______ but different in sound and meaning. A: sound B: meaning C: spelling D: sense

    • 3

      What kind of wave does ultrasound belong to and has certain radiation? A: Electromagnetic wave B: Mechanical wave C: Particle wave D: Light wave

    • 4

      According to sound hierarchy, dialogues are always more important than sound effects because modern movies are dialogue-driven.( )