• 2022-06-07
    are the principles and standards that guide our behavior toward other
  • Ethics


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      Stereotype refers to_____ A: the fact that we consider the views and standards of our own ingroup as more important than those of any outgroup. B: standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions. C: negative attitudes toward other people that are based on faulty and inflexible stereotypes. D: the behavioral manifestations of prejudice

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      10.After<br/>our tour, the tour guide made it very clear that a _______ was<br/>not included in the price!( ) A: recipient B: hospitality C: gratuity D: server

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      当年轻人处于单身时,他们容易受到来自他人的压力。 A: When young people remain signal, they are open to pressure from other people. B: When young people remain single, they are easy to pressure from other people. C: When young people remain single, they are open to pressure from other people. D: When young people remain single, they are accustomed to pressure from other people.

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      The two focuses of the American educational reforms in the mid-1980s<br/>were_______. A: the raising of the standards of teaching and the improving of the<br/>standards of learning B: the raising of the standards of teaching and lowering the standards<br/>of testing C: the raising of the standards of teaching and learning and the<br/>restructuring of the schools. D: None of the above.

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      People tend to be more confident in themselves than in other people.