• 2022-06-07
    Processing plastic metallic materials , Cutting tool materials are often used ( ) cemented carbide.
    A: YT
    B: YG
    C: 金刚石
    D: T8
  • A


    • 0

      Which of the following expressions is correct? A: Carbonaceous materials are the most widely used cathodes because they are non-toxic and provide good stability. B: Carbonaceous materials are the most widely used cathodes because they are non-toxicity and good stability. C: Carbonaceous materials are the most widely used cathodes due to their non-toxicity and high stability. D: Carbonaceous materials are the most widely used cathodes due to non-toxic and highly stable.

    • 1

      中国大学MOOC: 6. The reason why most plastic packaging materials don’t get recycled is that many people don’t realize their side-effects.

    • 2

      Text-based materials, task-based materials and realia are used in the ______ classroom. A: the Oral Method B: the Communicative Approach C: the Grammar-Translation Method D: the Suggestopaedia

    • 3

      There are 7 types of materials that can be used in speeches.

    • 4

      What are the usual materials used for making paper-cuts?