A: that
B: they
C: which
D: it
A: that
B: they
C: which
D: it
- WhichofthefollowingisNOTJaneAusten’swork? A: PrideandPrejudice B: Ivanhoe C: NorthangerAbbey D: Emma
- WhichofthefollowingisnotJaneAusten’swork? A: SenseandSensibility B: Emma C: Persuasion D: WutheringHeights
- WhichofthefollowingbestdescribesthenatureofKimHyungGyoon’swork? A: Productdevelopment. B: Marketinvestigation. C: Researchdesigning. D: Salespromotion.
- WhichofthefollowingisJamesJoyce’swork? A: ATaleofTwoCities. B: VanityFair. C: Ulysses. D: JudetheObscure.
- WhichofthefollowingisNOTJohnMilton’swork? A: ParadiseLost B: ParadiseRegained C: SamsonAgonistes D: Othello