In a multimedia system, it must involve using different color models to represent the colors of an image. For example, the YUV color model is used for computer display, the RGB color model is used in the color TV digitization system, the CMYK color model is used for color printing, and so on. ( )
- About CMYK color model, which of the following statements is true: A: The CMYK model is used for color printing. B: Black belongs to the three primary colors of CMYK color model. C: Red belongs to the three primary colors of CMYK color model. D: Green belongs to the three primary colors of CMYK color model.
- The term full-color image is used often to denote a 24-bit RGB color image.
- Using the CMYK color model, the color purple is produced by combining cyan and which other color?() A: Green B: Magenta C: Yellow D: Black
- In the use of colors, the color may be used chiefly and other colors may be used supplementally,or balanced colors may be used.
- ________ is used to apply color to the lips