• 2022-06-07
    The default (at machine start-up) feed rate on lathes is typically measured in
    A: Cutting Speed
    B: Inches per revolution in/rev.
    C: Inches per Minute in/min
    D: Constant Surface Speed
  • B


    • 0

      The( )shows you the engine speed in revolutions per minute ( rpm). A: odometer B: trip meter C: speedometer D: tachometer

    • 1

      Cutting parameters include cutting speed, feed and cutting thickness. A: 正确 B: 错误

    • 2

      The three cutting parameters for turning processing are ( ). A: cutting speed, feed and depth of cut B: cutting speed, workpiece rotational frequency and depth of cut C: workpiece rotational frequency, feed and depth of cut D: depth of cut, workpiece rotational frequency and feed

    • 3

      The speed ___ on this highway is 80 kilometers per hour.

    • 4

      When selecting cutting parameters, the first choice should be (). A: cutting speed B: feed C: side cutting D: back cutting