• 2022-06-07
    The Mexicans are ________ from crossing the national boundary.
    A: imposed
    B: thrown
    C: banned
    D: dwarfed
  • C


    • 0

      Motor bikes _________(禁止) driving in the highway. A: are prevented from B: are prohibited from C: are banned D: are forbidden by

    • 1

      They are banned from launching any flights except to ________people.  A: export B: import C: transport D: report

    • 2

      Deep, lasting behavioral changes cannot be ______ from the outside. A: imposed B: emerged C: installed D: inserted

    • 3

      __________ in the library, or you’ll be fined 10 dollars and banned from entering for one month.

    • 4

      What happened to the passengers A: They flew out of the train. B: They were flown out from the train. C: They were thrown out from the train. D: They climbed out of the train.