In sequential logic circuits, after the rising edge of the clock arrives, the input signal will remain stable for a period of time, which is called hold time. ()
- Each time a pulse is applied to the clock input of a flip-flop, its outputs change their logic state from high (logic 1) to low (logic 0) or vice versa.
- Which of the following can be referred to as a time signal? A: after that B: as a result C: after all D: in a word
- Which of the following is the definition of CAS latency?() A: CAS latency is the ratio between the column access time and the clock cycle time. B: CAS latency is the ratio between the row access time and the clock cycle time. C: CAS latency is the ratio between the column access time and the data burst transfer time. D: CAS latency is the ratio between the row access time and the data burst transfer time.
- Which of the following can be referred to as a time signal?
- Which financial statement covers a period of time?