• 2022-06-07
    One of the important things you have to learn in college is to cope ________ problems on your own.
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      what is really important is the fact that you have learned how to learn and that you have

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      _____ you have got enough money, you can buy a car of your own.

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      Which of the following statement is correct about supporting materials?( ) A: Events you’ve observed, and things other people have said to you are not part of your personal stories. B: Government publications are the most important source of the latest information. C: It is necessary to tell everything about the material in one speech. D: One important thing in information searching is to evaluate your sources.

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      you have your own career to and you need

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      When you are writing your own recommendation letter, which one is the most important? A: writer B: signer C: recipient D: examiner