• 2022-06-07
    Listen again and answer the questions. 1. Why does Bill’s Mom suggest he take nasal spray and some lozenges? 2. What do you think the lotion is used for? 3. Why doesn‘t Bill take mouthwash?
  • Bill probably has some kind of allergy and he might need these medicines. 2. The lotion is used to treat a rash caused by touching poison ivy. 3. Bill thinks mouthwash might be an unnecessary item for a camping trip.



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      2 Complete the questions. (You will answer these questions in Exercise 3.) ► I need some information. 1 What’s your ____ name? ~ Kovacs.

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      Unit 4 Listening Task 2 Mr. Brown is talking with a clerk in a bank. Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions. 1. How much unused RMB does Mr. Brown have? He has _____________ yuan. 2. Why can't Mr. Brown take the unused RMB back to his home country? Because _________________________. 3. What is the exchange rate between RMB and USD in Mr. Brown's memo? It's one US dollar to _____________ yuan.

    • 2

      Listen to a dialogue and answer the following questions. 1. Where does this conversation most likely take place? _____________ 2. According to the clerk’s recommendation, where may the man find the old book he wants? ______________ 3. Where can the man find biographies? ______________

    • 3

      Listen to the lecture again and answer the question Listen Why does the professor say this: listen

    • 4

      Tony: What would you do if you were me Bill: ()take my advice