• 2022-06-07
    Having stayed away from national politics for ten years, the expresident is planning to _______________ public life.
  • reenter


    • 0

      She was happy ______ with her aunt since she was five years old. A: having stayed B: having been staying C: to stay D: to have been staying

    • 1

      National identity becomes more pronounced when people are away from their home country.

    • 2

      People are changing careers ____average every ten years now instead of staying in a job for life. A: in B: at C: on D: with

    • 3

      How long has Odysseus been away from home? A: 10 years B: 20 years C: 30 years D: 5 years

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: For how many years was Odysseus away from home?