• 2022-06-07
    The Prime Minister and Trade Union agreed to ______.
    A: rebuild industry
    B: reduced unemployment
    C: stop a bus drivers’strike
    D: work out a new wage plan
  • B


    • 0

      The new Prime minister got bogged down deeper and deeper in political and (ECONOMY) crises.

    • 1

      ( ) the sales team can work out a new promotion plan, it will be hard for the company to get through business. A: While B: As C: Unitl D: Unless

    • 2

      Mr. Johnson insists that the sales manager ______ a plan before the meeting. A: works out B: work out C: would work out D: worked out

    • 3

      The trade union _______a new contract with the owner. A: monitored B: absorbed C: negotiated D: comprehend

    • 4

      Why had the national Congress of Trade Unions called for a strike A: To protest against a 70-percent hike in the fuel price in Zimbabwe. B: To protest against the policy carried out by Labor Minister July Moyo. C: To take "ulterior motives". D: To demand a salary raise.