• 2022-06-07
    The patient has a fever.
  • 内容

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      Which<br/>sample should be taken to isolate the bacteria from a patient who has<br/>enteric fever for the first week ( )? A: blood B: feces C: urine D: bile E: anus<br/>swab

    • 1

      True or False1. The dialogue happened in a clinic.( ) 2. The patient didn’t have a good sleep last night.( ) 3. Everyone will feel bad without enough sleep.( ) 4. The patient had a fever.( ) 5. The patient needs some medicine.

    • 2

      The patient has a sore throat.

    • 3

      ‏The patient has a history of emotional __________.‎

    • 4

      Mrs. Sanchez feels Mr. Sanchez’s head to see if he has a fever.