• 2022-06-07
    Eventually her body will give
    up the fight, the
    pain and fever will ()her and
    Grace will become
    just another AIDS statistic.
    A: replace
    B: wait for
    C: overwhelm
    D: go with
  • C


    • 0

      I’ll<br/>give the note to her ________she<br/>comes back. A: until B: as<br/>soon as C: before D: since

    • 1

      In some parts of London, missing a bus means for another hour.[br][/br] [br][/br] A: waiting B: to wait C: wait D: to be waiting

    • 2

      A<br/>9-year-old girl develops fever and severe pain on the right side of<br/>her throat. On examination, redness and swelling in the right<br/>peritonsillar area are seen. A peritonsillar abscess is diagnosed.<br/>The most likely organisms to be cultured from this abscess are A: Staphylococcus<br/>aureus B: Streptococcus<br/>pneumoniae C: Corynebacterium<br/>species and Prevotella melaninogenica D: Viridans<br/>streptococci and Candida albicans E: Normal<br/>oral nasal flora

    • 3

      She<br/>cared( ) her<br/>father all through his long illness. A: in B: of C: for D: up

    • 4

      Heather began her modeling career ( ) A: because<br/>her mother liked the idea B: because<br/>she lost her leg unexpectedly C: because<br/>her brother cheated her D: because<br/>she was very beautiful