• 2022-06-07
    According to the passage, the British colonists were unlike the Spanish colonists in that ______.
    A: the British colonists collected tribute from the native population
    B: the British colonists kept records from a very early date
    C: the British colonists drove Native Americans off the land
    D: the British colonists were unable to provide medical care against epidemic disease
  • C


    • 0

      The British colonists forced the Qing<br/>government to conclude the Treaty of ((_____)) in 1842. A: Peking B: Nanking C: Tientsin D: Canton

    • 1

      中国大学MOOC: In 1876, Victoria took the title Empress of India, which served as a springboard for the British colonists to expand their colonies in .

    • 2

      What was the occupation of most colonists in British North America? A: farmer B: merchant C: clerical worker D: professional/managerial worker

    • 3

      The colonists flourished into great Britain’s North American colonies from the two settlements, Plymouth and Massachusetts with some assistance from Native Americans.

    • 4

      (While) some pirate ships deprived early American colonists of (many) needed supplies, (others) smuggled in goods, subverted(破坏) British taxes, and (help) in the Revolutionary War. A: While B: many C: others D: help