• 2022-06-07
    17e0ab4f0f532d2.pngRefer to Figure. With trade, Uganda will
    A: export 11 units of coffee.
    B: export 5 units of coffee.
    C: import 15 units of coffee.
    D: import 6 units of coffee.
  • A


    • 0

      Supposeaconsumerhaspreferencesovertwogoods,XandY,whichareperfectsubstitutes.Inparticular,twounitsofXisequivalenttooneunitofY.IfthepriceofXis$1,thepriceofYis$3,andtheconsumerhas$30ofincometoallocatetothesetwogoods,howmuchofeachgoodshouldtheconsumerpurchasetomaximizesatisfaction?? 0;units;of;X;and;10;units;of;Y|15;units;of;X;and;5;units;of;Y|15;units;of;X;and;0;units;of;Y|30;units;of;X;and;0;units;of;Y

    • 1

      青书学堂: (单选题) The grown-ups had coffee but the children wanted milk ____________ coffee.(本题2.0分)

    • 2

      Most of the coffee shops serve different sizes of coffee. You can get a small, medium, or large .

    • 3

      What kind of coffee would the woman like(). A: Black coffee. B: With milk and sugar. C: With milk and no sugar.

    • 4

      Coffee is served during the morning break to delegatesattending the product demonstration(). A: Coffee will be available during the meeting if requested. B: There is a coffee break for participants during the morning. C: Delegates can see a product demonstration while they have coffee.