• 2022-06-07
    Disagreements among engineers were _______ to the plan.
  • fatal


    • 0

      The technology was ________ complicated that few engineers of the company were able to handle it.

    • 1

      In 1900 the only professional jobs open to women were ______ . There were no women lawyers, engineers or architects. No women had high positions in politics.

    • 2

      At first, they were not too crazy _______ the plan. A: at B: about C: of D: with

    • 3

      What is your attitude ______ to this plan? A: up B: among C: to D: at

    • 4

      A plan was put forward. It was done in 1984. It was done by an Englishman. The plan was better. A: In 1984, a better plan put forward by an Englishman. B: In 1984, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman. C: In 1984, an Englishman put forward a better plan. D: A better plan was put forward by an Englishman in 1984.