• 2022-06-07
    Last time we learned part of the test. Today let’s go on ________ it.
    A: to study
    B: study
    C: studying
    D: with studing
  • C


    • 0

      Harry didn’t ________ for the test. A: studying B: studied C: study D: studies

    • 1

      He had a hard time ___English. A: study B: studied C: studying D: to study

    • 2

      It’s time that we ______ (make) a careful study of the problem.

    • 3

      Change your study habits. Have you sometimes found the______ to ______ when you didn't study well ______ for a test? Try changing your study habit. Study with a friend or have your ______ help. Do not ______ all your studying into the last ______ , and get a good night's ______ before a test.______ , make practice test so you can ______ on those ______ in which you need the most work.

    • 4

      ---We will do what we can ____English well this term.---It's high time for you to work hard. A: to study B: study C: be studied