• 2022-06-07
    Conversation 2 What will she buy as a gift?()
    A: A pen.
    B: A pencil.
    C: A hand ball set.
    D: A chess set.
  • C


    • 0

      W: Could I borrow a pen from you There’s no ink left in mine.M: I’m afraid I don’ t have an extra one. Would a pencil be OK What did the man mean() A: He had lost his pen. B: He could lend her an extra pen. C: He could offer her a pencil.

    • 1

      What does Jane have A: A radio. B: A TV set. C: A computer.

    • 2

      They won't buy new clothes because they___________ money to buy a color TV set. A: save B: are saving C: has saved D: were saving

    • 3

      你使用useradd创建了一个新用户,由于某种原因该用户的主目录并未被创建,则最可能的原因是什么? A: The HOME directive is set to no. B: You did not employ super user privileges. C: The CREATE_HOME directive is not set. D: The INACTIVE directive is set to -1. E: The EXPIRE date is set and it is before today.

    • 4

      ‍The sentence “She gave me a pen” is more concrete than “She handed me a pen.”‎