• 2022-06-07
    In the view of Freed, some traditional Indian patterns can be seen as an adaptation to the high ______.
  • population density


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      What is the Indian view of punctuality and attitude to it?

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      Some people have ____ in a traditional view that language learning is essentially the same as the learning of grammar or language rules. A: tipped B: isolated C: became D: persisted

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      Some people have _________ a traditional view that language learning is essentially the same as the learning of grammar or language rules. A: resultedin B: persistedin C: resultedfrom D: persistedon

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      The high tide of anti-Victorianism can be seen in _______.( ) A: Eminent Victorians B: Under the Greenwood Tree C: Tess D: The Way of All Flesh

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      What can be seen at their supper table A: Fried chickens, sandwiches and tea. B: Some chicken. C: Sandwiches with chicken.