• 2022-06-07
    中国大学MOOC: He was ______ in his decision to give up smoking.
  • resolute


    • 0

      Despite all my efforts to persuade him to give _______ smoking, he never made up his mind. A: up B: in C: with D: to

    • 1

      The __________ he made on New Year's Eve is to give up smoking.

    • 2

      Smoking is bad for our health. You had better [u]            [/u] smoking. A: give out B: give off C: give away D: give up

    • 3

      My father says he's going to ()smoking. A: give up B: put up C: set up

    • 4

      He made a firm ____ to give up smoking and drinking as soon as he discovered that he had a heart trouble.