- I'd like to change the appointment with Dr. Johnson from Tuesday to Thursday. - I'm afraid he won't be______ on Thursday morning.
A: livable
B: available
C: forgetable
A: livable
B: available
C: forgetable
- A: I'd like to change the appointment with Dr. Johnson from Tuesday to Thursday.B: I'm afraid he won't be ____________ on Thursday morning. A: alone B: able C: available D: asleep
- I'd like to ____ the appointment with Dr. Johnson from Tuesday to Thursday. A: chance B: change C: chat
- I'm afraid that as you have cancelled this appointment, next Thursday is the first available appointment to see thedoctor.
- 5.When will Mr. Johnson not be available for an appointment with Mr. White? A: A. On Monday morning. B: B. On Tuesday morning. C: C. On Wednesday afternoon. D: D. On Thursday afternoon.
- M: I’d like to make an appointment to see Doctor Smith.W: Ok. Let’s see. He’s available on Tuesday or Thursday.M: Thursday would be better for me.W: Morning or afternoonM: In the morning, if possible.W: How does 9: 15 soundM: 9: 15 Thursday. That’s fine. What time will the man see the doctor() A: 9: 15 Tuesday. B: 9: 15 Thursday. C: 15: 00 Thursday.
- 0
- 1
4. A: Do you think theDr. Johnsoncould see me this afternoon? A: _______________________________________ B: I don’t know. C: I’d like to cancel my appointment with doctor. D: I'm afraid Dr. Johnson is occupied this afternoon. E: I'm afraid there's nothing availavle before noon.
- 2
When will Mr Smith come back() A: On Thursday night. B: On tonight. C: On Thursday morning. D: On Tuesday night.
- 3
-- I'd like to make an appointment with Miss Liu this Thursday. A: busy B: freely C: available D: possible
- 4
I'm calling on behalf ( ) Dr. Adams and would like to arrange an appointment with Mr. Edward Jackson. A: for B: from C: of D: in