• 2022-06-07
    Women tend ______ longer than men.(
    A: live
    B: to live
    C: to have lived
    D: to living
  • B


    • 0

      According to the study, women live longer than men is probably because ______. A: women do more exercise to keep heart healthy than men B: women have more cells than men. C: ageing takes less loss on women's hearts than on men's D: women's hearts don't lose cells with age.

    • 1

      Women tend to make longer eye contact than men, both when interacting with other women and with men.

    • 2

      The book _____ that women can live longer than men. A: says B: said C: is saying

    • 3

      Studies ______ that in general, women live longer than men. A: suggest B: continue C: estimate D: connect

    • 4

      Men often wait longer to get help for medical problems than women, and ______, women live about six years longer than men on an average. A: instead of B: constantly C: consequently D: because