• 2021-04-14
    You can enjoy performances by local and global musicians at night.
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      翻译:我们将于明晚举办派对,想邀请您一起参加。 A: We are going to hold a party tomorrow night. We'd like to invite you to enjoy the evening together. B: We will have a party tomorrow night. We invite you enjoy the party together. C: We want to hold a party tomorrow night and we want you come with us. D: We will make a party tomorrow night. Please come to the party with us.

    • 1

      Did you enjoy ___ last night? A: you B: yourself C: your D: yours

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      Learning the local language can help you to integrate with the local community.

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      some 250 years ago, the effects of human activity were_____, or at worst _____. rather than _______ A: riginal, local, global B: local ,regional , global C: global, local, regional D: local, global, regional

    • 4

      If you can get a local to be your tour guide, what can you do for him?