• 2022-06-07
    Change your study habits. Have you sometimes found the______ to ______ when you didn't study well ______ for a test? Try changing your study habit. Study with a friend or have your ______ help. Do not ______ all your studying into the last ______ , and get a good night's ______ before a test.______ , make practice test so you can ______ on those ______ in which you need the most work.
  • urge:)cheat:)enough:)parents':)force:)minute:)sleep:)Finally:)focus:)areas


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      If you want to make a difference in the future, you will need to ________(为...打下基础)your study today.

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      What should you do to prepare for tests? A: Always study, study and study. B: Get familiar with the test material. C: Go in the test with confidence. D: All of the above.

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      You should make the ____of your dictionary to study English.

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      When you consider what subject to study in college,      are that you and your parents will think what you can make out of it after graduation.

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      _________ hard and you will catch up with your classmates. A: Studies B: To study C: Studying D: Study