• 2022-06-07
    中国大学MOOC: 6. Flip turn is the only method of turning in the water.
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      中国大学MOOC: The mind-mapping method can only be used when the lecture is highly organized.

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      With only a 5,000-gallon water tank, it didn’t take them long tounderstand that we had to use less water. (Para. 8) A: With only 5,000 gallons of water available, they soon realized that they had to save water. B: They soon realized that 5,000 gallons of water would sustain them for quite a long time.

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      中国大学MOOC: Artificial waves the boat and the trainees made efforts to turn their head out of water as soon as possible.

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      中国大学MOOC: 6)The method section can be combined with results section.

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      (4) With only a 5000-gallon water tank, it didn't take them long to understand that we had to use less water.