• 2022-06-07
    A 27-year-old man has fever, macular rash, and lymphadenopathy. He had unprotected sex with amale partner 2 weeks before the onset of these symptoms and has just learned that the partner isinfected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The patient’s rapid HIV test is negative. What isthe best test to evaluate this patient for HIV infection?
    A: HIV enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
    B: PCR for HIV RNA
    C: Western blot testing
    D: Glycoprotein 120 ELISA testing
    E: PCR for HIV DNA
  • B


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      目前HIV感染的筛查试验为()。 A: 分离HIV病毒 B: 用中和试验HIV抗原 C: PCR检测HIV核酸 D: 用ELISA试验测定HIV抗体 E: 用血凝抑制试验测定HIV抗体

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      一高校男性大学生,与男性伴侣有不洁性生活史6个月有余。为排除HIV感染,首选的病原学检测是 A: HIV分离培养 B: Western blot检测HIV抗体 C: ELISA检测HIV抗体 D: ELISA检测HIV p24抗原

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      艾滋病病毒也被称为Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

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      临床筛查HIV感染患者常用的方法是 A: ELISA测定P24抗原 B: ELISA测定HIV抗体 C: CD4+T细胞培养分离HIV D: PCR测定胞内整合病毒核酸 E: PCR测定外周血病毒核酸

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      HIV的标准筛选方法() A: HIV的分离培养 B: ELISA C: CD4+计数 D: PCR E: 快速蛋白印迹