• 2022-06-07
    A: attend;toomuch
    B: join;muchtoo
    C: attend;muchtoo
    D: join;toomuch
  • D


    • 0

      —What club would you like to ? —Computer club. A: join B: join in C: attend D: take part in

    • 1

      Many people in the world ______ sports and games in their spare time. A: join B: join in C: attend D: take part in

    • 2

      Willyou()usforlunch? A: join B: attend C: takepartin D: joinin

    • 3

      I've heard that you will join in the negotiation with that company. 句子中的“join in ”是什么意思?可以替换成哪个(些)短语? A: participate B: participate in C: attend D: take part in

    • 4

      Who is going to ___________my birthday party? A: know B: see C: join D: attend