• 2022-06-07
    What does the say about Mike
    A: He is good-looking
    B: He is looking for a new job.
    C: His luck has been bad.
  • C


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      He is looking forward to ______ a new job. A: looking for B: B. finding C: C. finding out

    • 1

      What does the mall think of the job A: He thinks it uninteresting. B: He thinks it is good. C: He thinks it is not a good job.

    • 2

      W:Mike, what’s the matter with you?M: I’m not feeling well. I‘ve caught a bad cold.Question: what can we learn about the man? A: He’s been late. B: He’s got a cold. C: He’s failed an interview. D: He’s lost his job.

    • 3

      It is said that he is looking for a new job, one ___ he can get more free time A: what B: that C: where D: which

    • 4

      W: Did you enjoy visiting the galleryM: I’ve been there a hundred times. What does the man mean() A: He thinks the gallery is not worth visiting. B: He is tired of visiting the gallery. C: He has been to the gallery a hundred times. D: He has been looking forward to visiting the gallery.