Endless combinations of HTTP GET (URL-based)parameters are useful for the crawler to get unique content.
- 在jquery中想要实现通过远程http get请求载入信息功能的是下面的哪一下事件? A: $(get()) B: $().get(url) C: $.get(url) D: get(url)
- 下列选项中,关于GET和POST请求方式,描述错误的是()。 A: 使用GET方式访问网络URL的长度是有限制的 B: HTTP协议规定GET方式请求URL的长度不超过2K C: POST方式对URL的长度是没有限制的 D: GET请求方式向服务器提交的参数跟在请求URL后面
- HTTP的( )请求参数会出现在网址URL上。 A: GET B: POST C: PUT D: DELETE
- 41.“A buyer will get something for nothing” in paragraph 2 may probably mean( ). A: a buyer will not get what he pays for B: a buyer will get more than what he pays for C: a buyer will get something useful free of charge D: a buyer will get more but pay less
- "A buyer will get something for nothing most probably means that ______. A: a buyer will not get what he wants to B: a buyer will gain more than he loses C: a buyer will get what he pays for D: a buyer will get something useful free of charge