Movie ticket prices have reached an all-time high. ____some people choose instead to watch movies at home.
- Movie ticket prices have reached an all-time high. ________ some people choose instead to watch movies at home. A: If anything B: In the absence of C: No wonder D: No doubt
- Movie ticket prices have reached an all-time high. ___ some people choose instead to watch movies at home. ( ) A: No consider B: No wonder C: No doubt D: No ponder
- Movie ticket prices have reached an all-time high. _________ some people choose instead to watch movies at home. A: despite B: With wonder C: No wonder D: No matter
- Movie ticket prices have reached an all-time high. ______ some people choose instead to watch movies at home.(短语) 电影票价已达到历史最高水平。难怪有些人选择在家看电影。
- I can that as movie fans, they prefer to watch their choice of movies at home