• 2022-06-07
    She sat on the bench in the park, her chin ______ in her hand.
    A: was cupped
    B: cupped
    C: cupping
    D: to be cupped
  • B


    • 0

      3. She lifted her chin, _____ defiance. A: radiating B: acting C: playing D: making

    • 1

      She can find nowhere to park her car.

    • 2

      what can be concluded from the conversation() A: She handed in her report earlier. B: She was asked to hand in her report. C: She hasn’t handed in her report on time. D: The boss liked her report very much.

    • 3

      Her work ____, she sat down for a cup of tea. (do)

    • 4

      Somehow she rose over her excitement, though, and concentrated all she could on the task ________. A: off hand B: with hand C: at hand D: before hand