• 2021-04-14
    3. Discomfort suffered from a broken leg can be excruciating that drugs are often prescribed to relieve the agony. "excruciating" means ().
  • painful


    • 0

      He had his leg ________ in the match yesterday. A: to break B: broken C: break

    • 1

      Modern means of (communicate) ________ can enable more people to work from home.

    • 2

      The doctor prescribed the patient some drugs, which are effective against a range[input=type:blank,size:4][/input]bacteria.

    • 3

      Which of the following can be inferred from the passage() A: Few people will take drugs ff they are allowed B: The United Stated will be easily defeated if its citizens are allowed to take drugs C: It is a general practice to forbid drugs in different countries D: A majority of people will become addict to drugs if they are allowed to take them

    • 4

      The bow-step stance means you stand with the front leg bow-shaped and the back leg arrow-shaped, as if the arrow is in the bow being unleashed.