• 2022-06-08
    The schoolmaster rang up ______.
    A: the police
    B: the rescue party
    C: the Air Force
    D: the doctor
  • A


    • 0

      According to the U. S Air Force organization system, --------has always been the Air Force prime war-fighting system? A: the air division B: the wing C: the NAF D: the group

    • 1

      The security is ______ on Air Force One.

    • 2

      a strong police force has been

    • 3

      [音频]Norcal Approach:Air Force 1, contact Reno Tower ____ have a good dayAir Force 1:Air Force 1_______ tower, good day

    • 4

      What is the full name of IAMSAR? A: Inmarsat Aeronautical and Maritime Search And Rescue manual B: Inmarsat And Mobile Search And Rescue manual C: International Aeronautical and Maritime Search And Rescue manual D: International Air and Maritime Search And Rescue manual