• 2022-06-08
    The way he did it was different ________ we were used to.
    A: in which
    B: in what
    C: from what
    D: from which
  • C


    • 0

      Which sentence is different from others? A: The photocopier is just a lemon. B: The photocopier is way above what we can afford. C: The photocopier is a piece of junk. D: The photocopier is a bust.

    • 1

      The University is different from ______ it was before. A: that B: which C: one D: what

    • 2

      Radio is different from television in () it sends and receives pictures. A: which B: that C: what D: this

    • 3

      Television is different from radio in()it sends and receives pictures. A: which B: that C: what D: this

    • 4

      This is the house ___ we bought last month. A: that B: it C: what D: from which