The dominant sector ofthe UK economy is ____.
A: Agriculture
B: Construction
C: Production
D: Services
A: Agriculture
B: Construction
C: Production
D: Services
- The UK has a large sector of agriculture producing 11.6% of its national wealth.
- In the service sectory of the UK, _____ contribute most to the growth of the economy. A: the creative industries B: the education sector C: thefinancial services industry D: thetransport, storage and communication industry
- In 1880s. Through the process of colonization and _______ , British economy became dominant in the world. The UK was known as “the factory of the world.” A: technology B: globalization C: privatization D: industrial revolution
- Income from the agriculture sector ____ throughout the period.
- A-socialist economy D-planned economyB-capitalist economy E-controlled economyC-collective economy F-rural economyG-liberal economy O-economic balanceH-mixed economy P-economic fluctuationI-political economics Q-economic depressionJ-protectionism R-economic stabilityK-primary sector S-economic policyL-private sector T-economic recoveryM-public sector U-economic trendN-economic channels V-economic situation ()自由经济()经济形势