• 2022-06-08
    ( ) is admittedly an autobiographical novel which draws much on Maugham’s own experience.
  • Of Human Bondage


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      The novel is very powerful because ( ). A: it's all true B: it's about Ballard's own experiences C: it's about the strength and courage that's possible in war D: wo learn so much about human cruelty

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      Of Human Bondage is an autobiographical novel of W. S. Maugham.

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      On Studies by Francis Bacon is a short story of the author's own reading experience.

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      中国大学MOOC: The novel is written in a Nigerian language to “bear the weight” of Okonkwo’s African experience.

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      Which of the following is not concerned with etiquette? A: To mind one’s own business B: To respect people C: To recognize others’ experience D: To put people at ease