• 2022-06-08
    Commit Crawl Underscore Clue penalty Opponent Filthy Recall Shrink naked 7. Norris twice knocked down his _____ in the early rounds of fight.
  • opponent


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      knock at/on 敲knock into 撞到某人身上knock down 撞倒knock out of 把…敲出knock over 撞倒knock off 停止工作,休息1) The boxer soon knocked his opponent ________ __.2) The office stuff knocks _________ ___ at six every day.3) Try knocking __________ ___ the window and see if there is anyone indoors.4) He was so absorbed in his book that he knocked __________ _____ the car parked there.

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      How did the man hurt his head() A: He fell down from a ladder. B: A can of paint dropped on his head. C: He knocked his head against a window.

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      Melankomas's boxing style is that ______. A: he defends himself from the blows of the other boxer and avoids striking the opponent B: he strikes the opponent and quickly ends the match, and secures an easy victory for himself C: he goes for two straight days with his arms up, not once putting them down or resting. D: he would fight throughout the whole day, even in the summer

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      7. When he became a famous poet he was ________ his early thirties.

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      a person who opposes or fight against another; opponent; enemy a____