• 2021-04-14
    What effect can inversion achieve in a sentence?
  • highlighting the typical feature of an object


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      What is the effect of a parallelism in a sentence? A: Making the sentensce emphatic. B: Making the sentence rhythmic. C: Making the sentence forceful. D: Making the sentence emotional.

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      What can you achieve through oral communication?

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      What is the effect of a good name? A good name can .

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      The film is shot in black and white for the reason except that black and white ____________. A: can give the audience a special effect B: can give the audience the feeling of nostalgia C: is the good representation of the Holocaust itself D: can achieve special effect for the Holocaust

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      ‌The film is shot in black and white for the reason except that black and white ____________.‍ A: can give the audience a special effect B: can give the audience the feeling of nostalgia C: is the good representation of the Holocaust itself D: can achieve special effect for the Holocaust