• 2022-06-08
    What are the features of Chinese letters?( )
    A: Limited Use of Rhetorical Devices
    B: Free Combination of Sentence Patterns
    C: Vivid Vocabulary
    D: A Rich Tone
  • A,B,C,D


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      We cannot use some rhetorical devices, such as rhymes or pun in product advertisement.

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      The majority of today's young Chinese English learners are adept at employing rhetorical devices in their writing.

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      what are the 3 features of a topic sentence?they are ( ),( )and( )

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      What are the features of Sichuan Cuisine? A: salty; dark dish color B: umami, salty, sweet and sour flavors C: hot and spicy; use a lot of pepper D: mild and fresh; widely use of materials and rich cooking methods

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      Idenftify the rhetorical devices in the following sentence:9. Maggie's brain is like an elephant's. A: simile B: metaphor C: antithesis D: pun