• 2022-06-09
    The solubility of ionic compounds is associated with the lattice energy, the higher the lattice energy, the more soluble the ionic compound.
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      The active pharmacodynamic conformation of flexible small molecules is generally A: Conformation in the lattice B: Conformation in a vacuum C: A local low energy conformation D: Solution conformation

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      Of the compounds below, __________ has the smallest ionic separation. A: K2S B: RbCl C: SrBr2 D: KF E: RbF

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      Hydrogen, which is ______ than off, is pretty easy to produce and does no harm to the environment. A: much energy more abundant source B: an energy source more abundant C: a much more energy abundant source D: a much more abundant energy source

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      At a constant pH and ionic strength, the solubility of most proteins increases with increasing temperature in the range of 0 to ( ) °C. A: 20 B: 40 C: 60 D: 80

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      ​An ionic crystal consists of cations and anions, therefore, the ionic crystal can conduct electricity.‍