创建一个视图,视图名为Aaa,包含计算机系学生的姓名和年龄create () aaa as select sname,sage from student where sdept='计算机'
- 在所有学生中查询比计算机系学生平均年龄大的学生姓名,可以使用的查询语句是: A: SELECT Sname FROM Student WHERE Sage > ( SELECT AVG(Sage) FROM Student ); WHERE Sdept = 'CS' B: SELECT Sname FROM Student WHERE Sage > AVG( SELECT Sage FROM Student WHERE Sdept = 'CS' ); C: SELECT Sname FROM Student WHERE Sage > ( SELECT AVG(Sage) FROM Student WHERE Sdept = 'CS' ); D: SELECT Sname FROM Student WHERE AVG(Sage) > ( SELECT Sage FROM Student WHERE Sdept = 'CS' );
- 在所有学生中查询比计算机系所有学生年龄都要大的学生姓名,正确的查询语句是___________________。 A: SELECT Sname FROM Student WHERE Sage > ( SELECT MAX(Sage) FROM Student WHERE Sdept = 'CS'); B: SELECT Sname FROM Student WHERE Sage > ALL ( SELECT Sage FROM Student WHERE Sdept = 'CS'); C: SELECT Sname FROM Student S1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT Sage FROM Student S2 WHERE Sdept = 'CS' AND S1.Sage > S2.Sage); D: SELECT Sname FROM Student S1 WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM Student S2 WHERE Sdept = 'CS' AND S1.Sage <= S2.Sage);
- 【单选题】针对学生表student(sno,sname,ssex,sage,sdept),其中sno为学号,sname为姓名,ssex为性别,sage为年龄,sdept为系别。查询学生的姓名sname,系别sdept和年龄sage,显示时按系别升序排列,系别相同的再按年龄降序排列。() A. select * from student order by sdept , sage B. select sname, sdept, sage from student order by sdept , sage desc C. select sname, sdept, sage from student order by sdept desc , sage D. select * from student order by sdept desc, sage
- 计算机系年龄最大的学生的信息select *from studentwhere __________________________________ A: sdept='计算机系' and sage=(select max(sage) from student where sdept='计算机系') B: sdept='计算机系' and sage=max(sage) C: sdept='计算机系' or sage=(select max(sage) from student ) D: sdept='计算机系' or sage=max(sage)
- 【多选题】针对学生表Student(Sno,Sname, Ssex,Sage,Sdept),其中sno为学号,sname为姓名,ssex为性别,sage为年龄,sdept为系别。要检索学生表中年龄在17至25岁之间(包括16和30)的学生的姓名及年龄,SQL语句正确的是()。 A. Select * From Student Where Sage between 16 and 30 B. Select Sname, Sage From Student Where Sage between 16 and 30 C. Select Sname, Sage From Student Where Sage >= 16and Sage<= 30 D. Select Sname, Sage From Student Where Sage >= 16 or Sage<= 30