• 2022-06-09
    For what kind of preferences will the consumer be just as well-off facing a quantity tax as an income tax?
    A: Qusilinear utility function
    B: Cobb-Douglas utility function
    C: perfect substitutes
    D: perfect complements
  • D


    • 0

      Which of the following situations is/are possible? A: An enterprise pays a lot of income tax and very little value-added tax B: An enterprise pays a lot of income tax and a lot of value-added tax C: An enterprise pays very little income tax and a lot of value-added tax D: An enterprise pays very little income tax and very little value-added tax

    • 1

      <?php function values($price,$tax=""){ $price=$price+($price*$tax); echo "价格:$price";} values(50,0.25); ?>

    • 2

      Which of following tax is the most common tax of China? A: Excise Tax B: Tobacco Tax C: Value Added Tax D: Individual Income Tax

    • 3

      If the savings function is of the form S = - 200 + (0.1)YD and the marginal income tax rate is t = 0.2, an increase in income of 200 will increase consumption by A: 180 B: 144 C: 80 D: 72 E: 20

    • 4

      Which are the impacts of higher tax rates on net present value? A: The tax shield effect of depreciation increase B: The tax shield effect of depreciation decrease C: the income tax increase D: the income tax decrease