• 2022-06-09
    The pupil is located in the eye chambers and at the edge of the iris.
  • 错误


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      The scavenging air ports are located at () that they are just exposed by the upper edge of the piston when the piston is in the bottom dead center position.

    • 1

      Potato tubers are located at A: A. Top of stolon B: B. Top of stolon C: C. Top of underground stem D: D. Top of bud eye root

    • 2

      下面IRIS和ISO9001的关系描述正确的是() A: IRIS不包含ISO9001 B: ISO9001包含IRIS C: IRIS包含ISO9001 D: 以上都不对

    • 3

      以下会报错的是: A: head(iris$Sepal.Width) B: head(Sepal.Width) C: attach(iris)head(Sepal.Width) D: attach(iris)head(Sepal.Width)detach(iris)head(Sepal.Width)

    • 4

      读取鸢尾花数据集iris前6行中的前4列数组元素,执行下列_______语句可以实现。 A: iris[6, 4] B: iris[:5, :3] C: iris[0:6, 0:4] D: iris[0:5, 3]