• 2022-06-09
    A: 他为人公正。 译文: He is fair.
    B: 他为人公正。 译文: He is square.
    C: 请教大名。 译文: Please teach me your great name.
    D: 请教大名。 译文: Please tell me your great name.
  • B


    • 0

      9.--- Could you tell me ____________? A: - Call me Jack, please. B: what your name is C: what your name was D: what is your name E: what was your name

    • 1

      He has the assurance to ask me for money. 这句话最恰当的译文是__________

    • 2

      He will not be here till eight o’clock. 译文:他八点钟也不来。 该译文为: A: True B: False C: D:

    • 3

      以下翻译正确的是: A: 象牙塔,译文:towerofivory B: 智囊团,译文:braindrain C: 有眼不识泰山,译文:YouhaveeyesbutcannotseeTaiShan. D: 空中阁楼,译文:castleintheheaven

    • 4

      原文:Could you show me your catalogs or pamphlets?译文:给我看看你们的______好吗?