• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC: What should an interviewee do when he is asked if he has questions?
  • B. Ask directly.


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      It was hard for Tim to chooose ____. A: what should he do B: how should he do C: to do what D: what to do

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      中国大学MOOC: What did Confucius do when he was surrounded by a crowd of people and mistaken as a criminal?

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      When he says “I’m not a bit fan of multitasking,” Baldwin means that _____. A: he does not like to work on many tasks all at once B: he does not like to do multiple-choice questions C: he is not strong enough to do too much heavy work D: he is not interested in what Ajemian has said

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      He should be ______(shame) of what he has done.

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      Monty Roberts was a young man who was born into a poor family. He was once asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.