- Can you name some cultural difference between China and America that could lead to communication failure
- What’s the main obstacle in global communication? A: Climate difference B: Racial or national difference C: Geographical difference D: Cultural difference
- What can cause misunderstandings A: Difference genders B: Difference cultural backgrounds C: Different ways of thinking D: Different languages
- Cultural differences is the Real Reason behind the Difference in Festival Celebration Styles.
- Generally speaking, in terms of cultural difference, there are some cultures which are absolutely better or worse than others.
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The rain did ______ to the game. A: take a difference B: put a difference C: have a difference D: make a difference
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In the international business negotiation, the basic negotiation skills, it is important to understand the cultural difference, and to modify the negotiation style accordingly.
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中国大学MOOC: Because of cultural difference, foreigners found it hard to interpret the facial expressions of local people.
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Language differences in communication sometimes also present challenges in terms of cultural difference and time difference. A: 正确 B: 错误
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Cross-cultural factors in international business negotiation includes: A: Difference in contract B: Difference in negotiating styles C: Difference in criterion and member of negotiators D: Difference in negotiating objectives